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{( (vm.promotion.settings.promotion_type | capitalise) || 'Unknown' )}

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schedule Availability Dates
Starts {( vm.startDateFormatted )}
Ends {( vm.endDateFormatted )}

5% off Corporate Memberships at The Alnwick Garden for Mussel Club Members

Mussel Club Members benefit from 5% Corporate Memberships package prices at The Alnwick Garden. 

The benefits of membership
- Support your CSR, think differently, work collaboratively and enrich lives within our community.
- Enhance your employer value proposition. Attract, develop and motivate employees.
- Drive brand awareness and put your business in the spotlight.

Contact Lauren St Hilaire (Senior Partnerships Manager) for more details



5% off Corporate Memberships at The Alnwick Garden for Mussel Club Members | The Mussel Club

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