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Cyber Essentials For Your Business - Protect Your Business From Cyber Attacks

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme that helps businesses of all sizes guard themselves against the most common cyber threats and reduce the risk by up to 80%. It is a set of five basic technical controls that organisations should have in place to protect their IT systems and data. These controls are:


-Firewalls: To control access to your network.

-Antivirus software: To protect your devices from malware.

-Patch management: To keep your software up to date with the latest security fixes.

-User awareness: To train your staff on how to stay safe online.

-Secure configuration: To make sure your devices and software are configured securely.


Cyber Essentials is a simple and cost-effective way to improve your business's cyber security posture. It's also a requirement for many government contracts so it can help you win new business. It increases your credibility by showing clients and partners that you take security seriously. This is essential at present as a total of 11% of businesses and 8% of charities have experienced cybercrime in the last 12 months, rising to 26% of medium businesses, 37% of large businesses and 25% of high-income charities.

How Cyber Essentials Works

1.)    “Technical assessment”, of your IT systems by one of our security engineers. This will allow us to identify areas of your systems that need to be hardened.

2.)    “Technical planning”, Our engineers will put a plan in place to address all deficiencies identified in step one. 

3.)    “Application and Accreditation”, Your company will be Enrolled as a customer on the IASME portal. We will answer the required questions for you. You then submit this for assessment.  You pay a fixed fee to IASME for the accreditation based on the number of employees you have in the business. 

Now more than ever, cyber security needs to be a priority for all businesses. Especially due to cyber criminals increasing use of ransomware which can devastate businesses literally overnight. 


We are keeping the cost of the initial assessment low at only £289 Ex-VAT (£346.80 inc. VAT). Think of this as your IT systems MOT. The assessment gives you the ability to catch potential issues early on to avoid a costly cyber attack.

If you would like to book in your initial assessment, or If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact Carl on (0191) 375 1974 or email at Carl.hudson@omnicomsolutions.co.uk.


For More Information About Cyber Essentials, Please Visit:





Cyber Essentials For Your Business - Protect Your Business From Cyber Attacks | The Mussel Club

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